Why see a therapist?
Counseling can help improve mood, treat mental illness, reduce medical costs, improve communication and relationships, and promote self-esteem and resilience. Common reasons for going to counseling include depression, anxiety, eating disorders, stress, addictions, grief, relationship issues, trauma and many other things. Even if you think your problems aren’t important enough to go to counseling, your counselor will help you with anything at all that you need help working through. Here are 5 reasons why you might want to go to counseling even if you do not suffer from a mental illness:
Counseling provides a safe environment to express your feelings.
You become more comfortable with your feelings.
You can receive advice on your life problems.
You learn to work through issues by yourself.

Appointments are available for Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and some evenings. It can be hard to take care of all life's necessities and still take good care of your mental health. These hours are offered to help accommodate students and working families so they can get the care they need.